Contact Us

Please contact us to determine how Electrical Services Company can meet your electrical service needs. All of our electricians are Certified General Electricians. 24/ 7 Emergency Response Capabilities.
We are professional Electrical Engineers
We are Specialized in:

1. Electrical maintenance and repair

2. Thermal testing of electrical equipment and detail report

3. High voltage equipment installations and testing Repair

4. Solar Installation

5. Electrical Installation ( Conduit and Surface Wiring)

6. Building Electrical Gadgets

7. New Construction and Improvements on Design/Build – Permit drawings & Title 24 compliance

8. Lighting Installations-Retrofit & Upgrades Lighting Controls For Title 24 Compliance

9. Troubleshooting and Repair of Existing Electrical Systems

10. Upgrade of Existing Electrical Service and Distribution

11. Installation of Emergency Systems-Generator-UPS

12. Parking Lot & Site Lighting Installations & Repair e.t.c